Utility Locating
Pipe • Cable • Gas • Phone • Water • Sewer • Fibre Optic • Faults
Any time you disturb the ground, whether you are digging with a shovel, boring holes using an auger, for a fence, foundation posts, or planting trees and shrubs, you run the risk of cutting into underground services with the potential for personal injury, damage to property or disruption of service.
Disturbing the ground for any reason, regardless of the depth, be safe and contact us to locate any utilities (gas, power, water, sewer and communications lines). Remember, you may be liable for any personal injury or property damage that may result from work on your property.
Public and Private refer to the ownership of the UTILITY not the ownership of LAND.
Private Utility Locating
- Locate privately owned utilities interior and exterior
- Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Western Ontario and Nunavut utilities
Public Utilities
- Arrange public utility locates anywhere in Manitoba
- Perform third-party checks for existing locates
Structure Scan facilitates interior and exterior utility locations.
Disturbing the ground for any reason, regardless of the depth can result in damages or injuries.
Be safe and contact us to locate gas, power, water, sewer, communications lines and more.
(204) 777-6590 - Email info@structurescan.ca